AbstractBag<E> - Class in jaggregate
Represents an unordered, variable-sized collection whose elements can be added or removed, but cannot be individually accessed by external keys.
AbstractCollection<E> - Class in jaggregate
Implementation of the collection concept that should be common for most concrete implementations.
AbstractDictionary<K,V> - Interface in jaggregate
Provides protocol for accessing, adding, removing, and iterating over the elements of an unordered collection whose elements are accessed using an explicitly assigned external key.
AbstractDictionaryImpl<K,V> - Class in jaggregate
Implementation of the dictionary concept that should be common for most concrete implementations.
AbstractExtensibleCollection<E> - Class in jaggregate
Implementation of the extensible collection concept that should be common for most concrete implementations.
AbstractSet<E> - Class in jaggregate
Represents an unordered, variable-sized collection whose elements can be added or removed, but cannot be individually accessed by external keys.
add(E) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractBag
Adds a new element to this collection.
add(E, int) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractBag
Adds the given element to this bag a given number of times.
add(Pair<K, V>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractDictionaryImpl
Adds a new element to this collection.
add(E) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractSet
Adds a new element to this collection.
add(E) - Method in interface jaggregate.ExtensibleCollection
Adds a new element to this collection.
add(E) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Adds a new element to this collection.

newElement is added to the end of this collection's elements so that it becomes the last element in the traversal order.

add(E) - Method in class jaggregate.SortedCollection
Adds a new element to this collection.
addAfter(E, E) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Adds a new element to this collection immediately following the first element which is equivalent to a given target.
addAfterIndex(E, int) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Adds a new element to this collection immediately following the element at the given index.
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractExtensibleCollection
Adds each element of the given collection to this collection.
addAll(E[]) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractExtensibleCollection
addAll(E, E...) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractExtensibleCollection
addAll(Iterable<? extends E>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractExtensibleCollection
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in interface jaggregate.ExtensibleCollection
Adds each element of the given collection to this collection.
addAll(E[]) - Method in interface jaggregate.ExtensibleCollection
addAll(E, E...) - Method in interface jaggregate.ExtensibleCollection
addAll(Iterable<? extends E>) - Method in interface jaggregate.ExtensibleCollection
addAllAfter(Collection<? extends E>, E) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Adds each element of the given collection to this collection immediately after the first element in this collection which is equivalent to a given target.
addAllAfter(E[], E) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
addAllAfter(Iterable<? extends E>, E) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
addAllAfterIndex(Collection<? extends E>, int) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Adds each element of the given collection to this collection immediately following the element at the given index.
addAllAfterIndex(E[], int) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
addAllAfterIndex(Iterable<? extends E>, int) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
addAllBefore(Collection<? extends E>, E) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Adds each element of the given collection to this collection immediately before the first element in this collection which is equivalent to a given target.
addAllBefore(E[], E) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
addAllBefore(Iterable<? extends E>, E) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
addAllBeforeIndex(Collection<? extends E>, int) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Adds each element of the given collection to this collection immediately preceding the element at the given index.
addAllBeforeIndex(E[], int) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
addAllBeforeIndex(Iterable<? extends E>, int) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
addAllFirst(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Adds each element of the given collection to the beginning of this collection's elements.
addAllFirst(E...) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
addAllFirst(Iterable<? extends E>) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
addAllLast(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Adds each element of the given collection to the end of this collection's elements.
addAllLast(E...) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
addAllLast(Iterable<? extends E>) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
addBefore(E, E) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Adds a new element to this collection immediately preceding the first element which is equivalent to a given target.
addBeforeIndex(E, int) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Adds a new element to this collection immediately preceding the element at the given index.
addFirst(E) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Adds a new element to the beginning of this collection's elements.
addLast(E) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Adds a new element to the end of this collection's elements.
after(E) - Method in class jaggregate.Interval
Answers the object immediately following the first element which is equivalent to the given target in this sequence.
after(E) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Answers the object immediately following the first element which is equivalent to the given target in this sequence.
after(E) - Method in interface jaggregate.ReadOnlySequence
Answers the object immediately following the first element which is equivalent to the given target in this sequence.
after(E) - Method in class jaggregate.SortedCollection
Answers the object immediately following the first element which is equivalent to the given target in this sequence.
allSatisfy(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractCollection
Answers true if the given discriminator answers true for every element of this collection, or if this collection is empty; otherwise answers false.
allSatisfy(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in interface jaggregate.Collection
Answers true if the given discriminator answers true for every element of this collection, or if this collection is empty; otherwise answers false.
allSatisfy(Iterable<? extends E>, UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Static method in class jaggregate.Iterables
Answers true if the given discriminator answers true for every element yielded by the given iterable, or if the iterable yields no elements; otherwise answers false.
and(BinaryPredicate<? super A1, ? super A2>) - Method in class jaggregate.BinaryPredicate
Answers a predicate that represents the logical conjunction of this predicate and another predicate.
and(UnaryPredicate<? super A>) - Method in class jaggregate.UnaryPredicate
Answers a predicate that represents the logical conjunction of this predicate and another predicate.
anySatisfy(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractCollection
Answers true if the given discriminator answers true for any element of this collection; answers false otherwise, or if this collection is empty.
anySatisfy(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in interface jaggregate.Collection
Answers true if the given discriminator answers true for any element of this collection; answers false otherwise, or if this collection is empty.
anySatisfy(Iterable<? extends E>, UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Static method in class jaggregate.Iterables
Answers true if the given discriminator answers true for any element yielded by the given iterable; answers false otherwise, or if the iterable yields no elements.
areEqual(Object, Object) - Static method in class jaggregate.Objects
Tells whether two object references are considered equivalent.
Arrays - Class in jaggregate
Utility class containing methods that work with arrays.
arrayWith(E...) - Static method in class jaggregate.Arrays
Creates and answers an array containing the given items.
assertMatches(T, UnaryCondition<? super T>) - Static method in class jaggregate.junit.framework.ObjectAssert
Asserts that a given object satisfies a given constraint.
assertThat(T, UnaryPredicate<? super T>) - Static method in class jaggregate.junit.framework.ObjectAssert
Asserts that a given object satisfies a given constraint.
at(K) - Method in interface jaggregate.AbstractDictionary
Answers the element associated with the given key in this dictionary.
at(K) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractDictionaryImpl
Answers the element associated with the given key in this dictionary.
at(int) - Method in class jaggregate.Interval
Answers the element at the given position in this sequence.
at(int) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Answers the element at the given position in this sequence.
at(int) - Method in interface jaggregate.ReadOnlySequence
Answers the element at the given position in this sequence.
at(int) - Method in class jaggregate.SortedCollection
Answers the element at the given position in this sequence.
atEnd() - Method in class jaggregate.CollectionStream
Tells whether this stream is at the end of its values.
atEnd() - Method in interface jaggregate.Stream
Tells whether this stream is at the end of its values.


Bag<E> - Class in jaggregate
A bag for which equivalence is defined by equals.
Bag() - Constructor for class jaggregate.Bag
Creates an empty bag.
Bag(Collection<? extends E>) - Constructor for class jaggregate.Bag
Creates a bag containing the elements in the given collection.
Bag(E...) - Constructor for class jaggregate.Bag
Creates a bag containing the elements in the given array.
Bag(Iterable<? extends E>) - Constructor for class jaggregate.Bag
Creates a bag containing the elements given by an iterable object.
bagFrom(Collection<? extends T>) - Static method in class jaggregate.Bag
Creates a bag containing the elements in the given collection.
bagFrom(T[]) - Static method in class jaggregate.Bag
Creates a bag containing the elements in the given array.
bagFrom(Iterable<? extends T>) - Static method in class jaggregate.Bag
Creates a bag containing the elements given by an iterable object.
bagWith(T, T...) - Static method in class jaggregate.Bag
Creates a bag containing the given elements.
before(E) - Method in class jaggregate.Interval
Answers the object immediately preceding the first element which is equivalent to the given target in this sequence.
before(E) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Answers the object immediately preceding the first element which is equivalent to the given target in this sequence.
before(E) - Method in interface jaggregate.ReadOnlySequence
Answers the object immediately preceding the first element which is equivalent to the given target in this sequence.
before(E) - Method in class jaggregate.SortedCollection
Answers the object immediately preceding the first element which is equivalent to the given target in this sequence.
between(E, E) - Static method in class jaggregate.Comparables
Answers a predicate which will answer true if its argument compares "between" the given minimum and maximum, inclusive.
BinaryCondition<A1,A2> - Interface in jaggregate
Interface for a predicate that accepts two arguments.
BinaryFunction<A1,A2,R> - Class in jaggregate
A functor that accepts two arguments.
BinaryFunctor<A1,A2,R> - Interface in jaggregate
Interface for a functor that accepts two arguments.
BinaryPredicate<A1,A2> - Class in jaggregate
A predicate that accepts two arguments.
bindFirst(A1) - Method in class jaggregate.BinaryFunction
Answers a functor of one argument that evaluates in the same manner as this functor would if evaluated using a fixed first argument and another argument.
bindFirst(A1) - Method in class jaggregate.BinaryPredicate
Answers a predicate of one argument that matches in the same manner as this predicate would if evaluated using a fixed first argument and another argument.
bindSecond(A2) - Method in class jaggregate.BinaryFunction
Answers a functor of one argument that evaluates in the same manner as this functor would if evaluated using a fixed second argument and another argument.
bindSecond(A2) - Method in class jaggregate.BinaryPredicate
Answers a predicate of one argument that matches in the same manner as this predicate would if evaluated using a fixed second argument and another argument.
byNaturalOrdering() - Static method in class jaggregate.Comparing
Answers a comparator that compares its two Comparable arguments according to their natural ordering; that is, by how they answer compareTo.


charAt(int) - Static method in class jaggregate.Strings
Answers a function which will give the character value of a string target at the given index.
classifies(Object) - Static method in class jaggregate.Objects
Answers a predicate which will answer true if its argument is a class in the hierarchy of the given object's class.
close() - Method in class jaggregate.CollectionStream
Disassociates this stream from its backing store.
close() - Method in interface jaggregate.Stream
Disassociates this stream from its backing store.
collect(UnaryFunctor<? super E, ? extends R>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractBag
Evaluates the given transformer for each element of this collection, with the element as the parameter, and answers a new collection containing the results of these evaluations.

The elements are traversed in the order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection.

collect(UnaryFunctor<? super E, ? extends R>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractCollection
Evaluates the given transformer for each element of this collection, with the element as the parameter, and answers a new collection containing the results of these evaluations.
collect(UnaryFunctor<? super Pair<K, V>, ? extends R>) - Method in interface jaggregate.AbstractDictionary
Evaluates the given transformer for each element of this collection, with the element as the parameter, and answers a new collection containing the results of these evaluations.
collect(UnaryFunctor<? super Pair<K, V>, ? extends R>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractDictionaryImpl
Evaluates the given transformer for each element of this collection, with the element as the parameter, and answers a new collection containing the results of these evaluations.

The elements are traversed in the order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection.

collect(UnaryFunctor<? super E, ? extends R>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractExtensibleCollection
Evaluates the given transformer for each element of this collection, with the element as the parameter, and answers a new collection containing the results of these evaluations.

The elements are traversed in the order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection.

collect(UnaryFunctor<? super E, ? extends R>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractSet
Evaluates the given transformer for each element of this collection, with the element as the parameter, and answers a new collection containing the results of these evaluations.

The elements are traversed in the order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection.

collect(UnaryFunctor<? super E, ? extends R>) - Method in class jaggregate.Bag
Evaluates the given transformer for each element of this collection, with the element as the parameter, and answers a new collection containing the results of these evaluations.

The elements are traversed in the order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection.

collect(UnaryFunctor<? super E, ? extends R>) - Method in interface jaggregate.Collection
Evaluates the given transformer for each element of this collection, with the element as the parameter, and answers a new collection containing the results of these evaluations.
collect(UnaryFunctor<? super E, ? extends R>) - Method in interface jaggregate.ContractibleSequence
Evaluates the given transformer for each element of this collection, with the element as the parameter, and answers a new collection containing the results of these evaluations.
collect(UnaryFunctor<? super Pair<K, V>, ? extends R>) - Method in class jaggregate.Dictionary
Evaluates the given transformer for each element of this collection, with the element as the parameter, and answers a new collection containing the results of these evaluations.

The elements are traversed in the order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection.

collect(UnaryFunctor<? super E, ? extends R>) - Method in interface jaggregate.ExtensibleCollection
Evaluates the given transformer for each element of this collection, with the element as the parameter, and answers a new collection containing the results of these evaluations.
collect(UnaryFunctor<? super E, ? extends R>) - Method in class jaggregate.IdentityBag
Evaluates the given transformer for each element of this collection, with the element as the parameter, and answers a new collection containing the results of these evaluations.

The elements are traversed in the order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection.

collect(UnaryFunctor<? super Pair<K, V>, ? extends R>) - Method in class jaggregate.IdentityDictionary
Evaluates the given transformer for each element of this collection, with the element as the parameter, and answers a new collection containing the results of these evaluations.

The elements are traversed in the order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection.

collect(UnaryFunctor<? super E, ? extends R>) - Method in class jaggregate.IdentitySet
Evaluates the given transformer for each element of this collection, with the element as the parameter, and answers a new collection containing the results of these evaluations.

The elements are traversed in the order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection.

collect(UnaryFunctor<? super E, ? extends R>) - Method in class jaggregate.Interval
Evaluates the given transformer for each element of this collection, with the element as the parameter, and answers a new collection containing the results of these evaluations.

The elements are traversed in the order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection.

collect(Iterable<? extends E>, UnaryFunctor<? super E, ? extends R>) - Static method in class jaggregate.Iterables
Wraps the given iterable with another iterable whose iterator will transform items using the given functor.
collect(UnaryFunctor<? super E, ? extends R>) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Evaluates the given transformer for each element of this collection, with the element as the parameter, and answers a new collection containing the results of these evaluations.

The elements are traversed in the order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection.

collect(UnaryFunctor<? super E, ? extends R>) - Method in interface jaggregate.ReadOnlySequence
Evaluates the given transformer for each element of this collection, with the element as the parameter, and answers a new collection containing the results of these evaluations.
collect(UnaryFunctor<? super E, ? extends R>) - Method in interface jaggregate.Sequence
Evaluates the given transformer for each element of this collection, with the element as the parameter, and answers a new collection containing the results of these evaluations.
collect(UnaryFunctor<? super E, ? extends R>) - Method in class jaggregate.Set
Evaluates the given transformer for each element of this collection, with the element as the parameter, and answers a new collection containing the results of these evaluations.

The elements are traversed in the order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection.

collect(UnaryFunctor<? super E, ? extends R>) - Method in class jaggregate.SortedCollection
Evaluates the given transformer for each element of this collection, with the element as the parameter, and answers a new collection containing the results of these evaluations.

The elements are traversed in the order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection.

Collection<E> - Interface in jaggregate
Provides protocol for manipulating and operating on a collection of objects, called elements, either individually or as a whole.
Collections - Class in jaggregate
Methods that should be on Collection, but aren't for reasons of type safety or generics restrictions.
CollectionStream<E,S extends ReadOnlySequence<E>> - Class in jaggregate
Represents a stream that has a ReadOnlySequence as its stream backing store.
collectValues(UnaryFunctor<? super V, ? extends R>) - Method in interface jaggregate.AbstractDictionary
Answers a new dictionary whose keys are this dictionary's keys, and whose corresponding elements are the results of evaluating the given transformer with each corresponding element of this dictionary.
collectValues(UnaryFunctor<? super V, ? extends R>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractDictionaryImpl
Answers a new dictionary whose keys are this dictionary's keys, and whose corresponding elements are the results of evaluating the given transformer with each corresponding element of this dictionary.
collectValues(UnaryFunctor<? super V, ? extends R>) - Method in class jaggregate.Dictionary
Answers a new dictionary whose keys are this dictionary's keys, and whose corresponding elements are the results of evaluating the given transformer with each corresponding element of this dictionary. For each of this dictionary's keys, a new element is obtained by evaluating transformer with the corresponding element of this dictionary as a parameter.

The elements are traversed in the order specified by forEachDo for this dictionary.

collectValues(UnaryFunctor<? super V, ? extends R>) - Method in class jaggregate.IdentityDictionary
Answers a new dictionary whose keys are this dictionary's keys, and whose corresponding elements are the results of evaluating the given transformer with each corresponding element of this dictionary. For each of this dictionary's keys, a new element is obtained by evaluating transformer with the corresponding element of this dictionary as a parameter.

The elements are traversed in the order specified by forEachDo for this dictionary.

Comparables - Class in jaggregate
Utility class that offers useful operations on Comparables.
comparator() - Method in class jaggregate.SortedCollection
Answers the comparator which is used to order this collection's elements.
Comparing - Class in jaggregate
Utility class that offers common comparators.
compose(UnaryFunction<? super T, A>) - Method in class jaggregate.UnaryFunction
Answers a unary functor that evaluates in the same manner as this functor would if handed the result of evaluating a given unary functor with a given argument as its own argument; effectively offering a composition of the two functors.
concat(ReadOnlySequence<? extends E>) - Method in class jaggregate.Interval
Answers a new sequence containing all of this sequence's elements in their original order followed by all of the elements of the given sequence, in their original order.
concat(ReadOnlySequence<? extends E>) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Answers a new sequence containing all of this sequence's elements in their original order followed by all of the elements of the given sequence, in their original order.
concat(ReadOnlySequence<? extends E>) - Method in interface jaggregate.ReadOnlySequence
Answers a new sequence containing all of this sequence's elements in their original order followed by all of the elements of the given sequence, in their original order.
concat(ReadOnlySequence<? extends E>) - Method in interface jaggregate.Sequence
Answers a new sequence containing all of this sequence's elements in their original order followed by all of the elements of the given sequence, in their original order.
concat(ReadOnlySequence<? extends E>) - Method in class jaggregate.SortedCollection
Answers a new sequence containing all of this sequence's elements in their original order followed by all of the elements of the given sequence, in their original order.

Since this collection sorts its elements, the result will also be sorted as defined by this collection's comparator.

contents() - Method in class jaggregate.CollectionStream
Answers a sequence containing the complete contents of this stream.

Answers this stream's backing store.

contents() - Method in interface jaggregate.Stream
Answers a sequence containing the complete contents of this stream.
ContractibleSequence<E> - Interface in jaggregate
Provides protocol for removing elements from an ordered collection of objects, whose elements can be accessed using external keys.
copyRange(int, int) - Method in class jaggregate.Interval
Answers a new sequence containing the specified range of elements of this sequence in their original order.
copyRange(int, int) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Answers a new sequence containing the specified range of elements of this sequence in their original order.
copyRange(int, int) - Method in interface jaggregate.ReadOnlySequence
Answers a new sequence containing the specified range of elements of this sequence in their original order.
copyRange(int, int) - Method in interface jaggregate.Sequence
Answers a new sequence containing the specified range of elements of this sequence in their original order.
copyRange(int, int) - Method in class jaggregate.SortedCollection
Answers a new sequence containing the specified range of elements of this sequence in their original order.
copyWith(E) - Method in class jaggregate.Interval
Answers a new sequence with size one greater than the size of this sequence, containing the elements of this sequence and a given new element placed at the end.
copyWith(E) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Answers a new sequence with size one greater than the size of this sequence, containing the elements of this sequence and a given new element placed at the end.
copyWith(E) - Method in interface jaggregate.ReadOnlySequence
Answers a new sequence with size one greater than the size of this sequence, containing the elements of this sequence and a given new element placed at the end.
copyWith(E) - Method in interface jaggregate.Sequence
Answers a new sequence with size one greater than the size of this sequence, containing the elements of this sequence and a given new element placed at the end.
copyWith(E) - Method in class jaggregate.SortedCollection
Answers a new sequence with size one greater than the size of this sequence, containing the elements of this sequence and a given new element placed at the end.
copyWithout(E) - Method in class jaggregate.Interval
Answers a new sequence with all of the elements of this sequence that are not equivalent to the given element, in their original order.
copyWithout(E) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Answers a new sequence with all of the elements of this sequence that are not equivalent to the given element, in their original order.
copyWithout(E) - Method in interface jaggregate.ReadOnlySequence
Answers a new sequence with all of the elements of this sequence that are not equivalent to the given element, in their original order.
copyWithout(E) - Method in interface jaggregate.Sequence
Answers a new sequence with all of the elements of this sequence that are not equivalent to the given element, in their original order.
copyWithout(E) - Method in class jaggregate.SortedCollection
Answers a new sequence with all of the elements of this sequence that are not equivalent to the given element, in their original order.


describe() - Method in class jaggregate.BinaryPredicate
Gives a string that describes the kinds of objects which match this predicate.
describe() - Method in class jaggregate.UnaryPredicate
Gives a string that describes the kinds of objects which match this predicate.
detect(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractCollection
Answers the first element of this collection for which the given discriminator answers true when given that element as an argument.
detect(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in interface jaggregate.Collection
Answers the first element of this collection for which the given discriminator answers true when given that element as an argument.
detect(Iterable<? extends E>, UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Static method in class jaggregate.Iterables
Answers the first element yielded by the given iterable for which the given discriminator answers true when given that element as an argument.
Dictionary<K,V> - Class in jaggregate
Represents an unordered collection whose elements can be accessed using an explicitly assigned external key.
Dictionary() - Constructor for class jaggregate.Dictionary
Creates an empty dictionary.
Dictionary(AbstractDictionary<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Constructor for class jaggregate.Dictionary
Creates a dictionary that contains the given associations.
Dictionary(Pair<? extends K, ? extends V>...) - Constructor for class jaggregate.Dictionary
Creates a dictionary that contains the given associations.
dictionaryFrom(AbstractDictionary<? extends T, ? extends U>) - Static method in class jaggregate.Dictionary
Creates a dictionary that contains the given associations.
dictionaryFrom(Pair<? extends T, ? extends U>[]) - Static method in class jaggregate.Dictionary
Creates a dictionary that contains the given associations.
dictionaryWith(Pair<? extends T, ? extends U>, Pair<? extends T, ? extends U>...) - Static method in class jaggregate.Dictionary
Creates a dictionary that contains the given associations.
doWithIndex(BinaryFunctor<? super Integer, ? super E, ?>) - Method in class jaggregate.Interval
Evaluates the given operation with the index of each element of this sequence, in order, together with the element itself.
doWithIndex(BinaryFunctor<? super Integer, ? super E, ?>) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Evaluates the given operation with the index of each element of this sequence, in order, together with the element itself.
doWithIndex(BinaryFunctor<? super Integer, ? super E, ?>) - Method in interface jaggregate.ReadOnlySequence
Evaluates the given operation with the index of each element of this sequence, in order, together with the element itself.
doWithIndex(BinaryFunctor<? super Integer, ? super E, ?>) - Method in class jaggregate.SortedCollection
Evaluates the given operation with the index of each element of this sequence, in order, together with the element itself.
doWithOthers(ReadOnlySequence<? extends T>, BinaryFunctor<? super E, ? super T, ?>) - Method in class jaggregate.Interval
For each element of this sequence and the corresponding element of the given sequence, evaluates the given operation with this sequence's element as the first parameter, and the element of the other sequence as the second parameter.
doWithOthers(ReadOnlySequence<? extends T>, BinaryFunctor<? super E, ? super T, ?>) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
For each element of this sequence and the corresponding element of the given sequence, evaluates the given operation with this sequence's element as the first parameter, and the element of the other sequence as the second parameter.
doWithOthers(ReadOnlySequence<? extends T>, BinaryFunctor<? super E, ? super T, ?>) - Method in interface jaggregate.ReadOnlySequence
For each element of this sequence and the corresponding element of the given sequence, evaluates the given operation with this sequence's element as the first parameter, and the element of the other sequence as the second parameter.
doWithOthers(ReadOnlySequence<? extends T>, BinaryFunctor<? super E, ? super T, ?>) - Method in class jaggregate.SortedCollection
For each element of this sequence and the corresponding element of the given sequence, evaluates the given operation with this sequence's element as the first parameter, and the element of the other sequence as the second parameter.


emptyBag() - Static method in class jaggregate.Bag
Creates an empty bag.
emptyDictionary() - Static method in class jaggregate.Dictionary
Creates an empty dictionary.
emptyIdentityBag() - Static method in class jaggregate.IdentityBag
Creates an empty bag.
emptyIdentityDictionary() - Static method in class jaggregate.IdentityDictionary
Creates an empty dictionary.
emptyIdentitySet() - Static method in class jaggregate.IdentitySet
Creates an empty set.
emptyNaturallySortedCollection() - Static method in class jaggregate.NaturallySortedCollection
Creates an empty naturally sorted collection.
emptyOrderedCollection() - Static method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Creates an empty ordered collection.
emptySet() - Static method in class jaggregate.Set
Creates an empty set.
emptySortedCollection(Comparator<? super T>) - Static method in class jaggregate.SortedCollection
Creates an empty sorted collection whose elements are sorted using the given comparator.
endsWith(String) - Static method in class jaggregate.Strings
Answers a predicate which will answer true if its argument ends with the given suffix.
equals(Object) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractBag

An object is considered equivalent to this bag if the object is assignable to this bag's class and has equivalent contents, as defined by this bag's notion of equivalence.

equals(Object) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractDictionaryImpl

An object is considered equivalent to this dictionary if the object is assignable to this dictionary's class and has equivalent contents, as defined by this dictionary's notion of equivalence.

equals(Object) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractSet

An object is considered equivalent to this set if the object is assignable to this set's class and has equivalent contents, as defined by the this set's notion of equivalence.

equals(Object) - Method in class jaggregate.Interval
equals(Object) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
equals(Object) - Method in class jaggregate.Pair
equals(Object) - Method in class jaggregate.SortedCollection
equalsIgnoreCase(String) - Static method in class jaggregate.Strings
Answers a predicate which will answer true if its argument is equivalent to the given comparand, disregarding case.
equalTo(Object) - Static method in class jaggregate.Objects
Answers a predicate which will answer true if its argument compares equivalent to the given comparand.
evaluate(A1, A2) - Method in interface jaggregate.BinaryFunctor
Evaluates this functor against the given targets.
evaluate(A) - Method in interface jaggregate.UnaryFunctor
Evaluates this functor against the given target.
ExtensibleCollection<E> - Interface in jaggregate
Provides protocol for adding elements to and removing elements from a variable-sized collection.


findFirst(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in class jaggregate.Interval
Answers the index of the first element which causes the given discriminator to answer true when the element is used as a parameter.
findFirst(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Answers the index of the first element which causes the given discriminator to answer true when the element is used as a parameter.
findFirst(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in interface jaggregate.ReadOnlySequence
Answers the index of the first element which causes the given discriminator to answer true when the element is used as a parameter.
findFirst(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in class jaggregate.SortedCollection
Answers the index of the first element which causes the given discriminator to answer true when the element is used as a parameter.
findLast(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in class jaggregate.Interval
Answers the index of the last element which causes the given discriminator to answer true when the element is used as a parameter.
findLast(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Answers the index of the last element which causes the given discriminator to answer true when the element is used as a parameter.
findLast(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in interface jaggregate.ReadOnlySequence
Answers the index of the last element which causes the given discriminator to answer true when the element is used as a parameter.
findLast(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in class jaggregate.SortedCollection
Answers the index of the last element which causes the given discriminator to answer true when the element is used as a parameter.
first() - Method in class jaggregate.Interval
Answers the element at index 0 in this sequence.
first() - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Answers the element at index 0 in this sequence.
first() - Method in interface jaggregate.ReadOnlySequence
Answers the element at index 0 in this sequence.
first() - Method in class jaggregate.SortedCollection
Answers the element at index 0 in this sequence.
forEachDo(UnaryFunctor<? super E, ?>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractBag
For each element of this collection, evaluates the given operation with the element as the parameter.
forEachDo(UnaryFunctor<? super Pair<K, V>, ?>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractDictionaryImpl
For each element of this collection, evaluates the given operation with the element as the parameter.
forEachDo(UnaryFunctor<? super E, ?>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractSet
For each element of this collection, evaluates the given operation with the element as the parameter.
forEachDo(UnaryFunctor<? super E, ?>) - Method in interface jaggregate.Collection
For each element of this collection, evaluates the given operation with the element as the parameter.
forEachDo(UnaryFunctor<? super E, ? extends R>) - Method in interface jaggregate.GettableStream
Evaluates the given operation with each of this stream's future sequence values, terminating evaluation when there are no more future sequence values.
forEachDo(UnaryFunctor<? super E, ?>) - Method in class jaggregate.Interval
For each element of this collection, evaluates the given operation with the element as the parameter.
forEachDo(UnaryFunctor<? super E, ?>) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
For each element of this collection, evaluates the given operation with the element as the parameter.
forEachDo(UnaryFunctor<? super E, ?>) - Method in interface jaggregate.ReadOnlySequence
For each element of this collection, evaluates the given operation with the element as the parameter.

operation is evaluated with each element of this sequence in indexed order starting at 0.

forEachDo(UnaryFunctor<? super E, ? extends R>) - Method in class jaggregate.ReadStream
Evaluates the given operation with each of this stream's future sequence values, terminating evaluation when there are no more future sequence values.
forEachDo(UnaryFunctor<? super E, ?>) - Method in class jaggregate.SortedCollection
For each element of this collection, evaluates the given operation with the element as the parameter.
forEachInRangeDo(int, int, UnaryFunctor<? super E, ?>) - Method in class jaggregate.Interval
For those elements of this sequence between two given positions, inclusive, evaluates the given operation with the element at that index as its argument.
forEachInRangeDo(int, int, UnaryFunctor<? super E, ?>) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
For those elements of this sequence between two given positions, inclusive, evaluates the given operation with the element at that index as its argument.
forEachInRangeDo(int, int, UnaryFunctor<? super E, ?>) - Method in interface jaggregate.ReadOnlySequence
For those elements of this sequence between two given positions, inclusive, evaluates the given operation with the element at that index as its argument.
forEachInRangeDo(int, int, UnaryFunctor<? super E, ?>) - Method in class jaggregate.SortedCollection
For those elements of this sequence between two given positions, inclusive, evaluates the given operation with the element at that index as its argument.
forEachInRangeDoWithIndex(int, int, BinaryFunctor<? super Integer, ? super E, ?>) - Method in class jaggregate.Interval
For those elements of this sequence between two given positions, inclusive, evaluates the given operation with an element of this sequence as the first argument and the element's position (index) as the second.
forEachInRangeDoWithIndex(int, int, BinaryFunctor<? super Integer, ? super E, ?>) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
For those elements of this sequence between two given positions, inclusive, evaluates the given operation with an element of this sequence as the first argument and the element's position (index) as the second.
forEachInRangeDoWithIndex(int, int, BinaryFunctor<? super Integer, ? super E, ?>) - Method in interface jaggregate.ReadOnlySequence
For those elements of this sequence between two given positions, inclusive, evaluates the given operation with an element of this sequence as the first argument and the element's position (index) as the second.
forEachInRangeDoWithIndex(int, int, BinaryFunctor<? super Integer, ? super E, ?>) - Method in class jaggregate.SortedCollection
For those elements of this sequence between two given positions, inclusive, evaluates the given operation with an element of this sequence as the first argument and the element's position (index) as the second.
forEachInReverseDo(UnaryFunctor<? super E, ?>) - Method in class jaggregate.Interval
Evaluates the given operation with each element of this sequence in the reverse of this sequence's standard traversal order.
forEachInReverseDo(UnaryFunctor<? super E, ?>) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Evaluates the given operation with each element of this sequence in the reverse of this sequence's standard traversal order.
forEachInReverseDo(UnaryFunctor<? super E, ?>) - Method in interface jaggregate.ReadOnlySequence
Evaluates the given operation with each element of this sequence in the reverse of this sequence's standard traversal order.
forEachInReverseDo(UnaryFunctor<? super E, ?>) - Method in class jaggregate.SortedCollection
Evaluates the given operation with each element of this sequence in the reverse of this sequence's standard traversal order.
fromTo(T, T) - Static method in class jaggregate.Interval
Creates an interval representing an arithmetic progression from one number to another, in increments of 1.
fromToBy(T, T, T) - Static method in class jaggregate.Interval
Creates an interval representing an arithmetic progression from one number to another, with the given increment.


GettableStream<E,S extends ReadOnlySequence<E>> - Interface in jaggregate
Provides protocol for a stream that can read objects from its future sequence values.
greaterThan(E) - Static method in class jaggregate.Comparables
Answers a predicate which will answer true if its argument compares "greater than" the given comparand.
greaterThanOrEqualTo(E) - Static method in class jaggregate.Comparables
Answers a predicate which will answer true if its argument compares "greater than" or "equal to" the given comparand.


hashCode() - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractBag
hashCode() - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractDictionaryImpl
hashCode() - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractSet
hashCode() - Method in class jaggregate.Interval
hashCode() - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
hashCode() - Method in class jaggregate.Pair
hashCode() - Method in class jaggregate.SortedCollection
hasSameContentsAs(CharSequence) - Static method in class jaggregate.Strings
Answers a predicate which will answer true if its argument has the same string contents as the given comparand.
hasSubstring(CharSequence) - Static method in class jaggregate.Strings
Answers a predicate which will answer true if the given substring occurs anywhere within its argument.


IdentityBag<E> - Class in jaggregate
A bag for which equivalence is defined by ==.
IdentityBag() - Constructor for class jaggregate.IdentityBag
Creates an empty bag.
IdentityBag(Collection<? extends E>) - Constructor for class jaggregate.IdentityBag
Creates a bag containing the elements in the given collection.
IdentityBag(E...) - Constructor for class jaggregate.IdentityBag
Creates a bag containing the elements in the given array.
IdentityBag(Iterable<? extends E>) - Constructor for class jaggregate.IdentityBag
Creates a bag containing the elements in the given iterable object.
identityBagFrom(Collection<? extends T>) - Static method in class jaggregate.IdentityBag
Creates a bag containing the elements in the given collection.
identityBagFrom(T[]) - Static method in class jaggregate.IdentityBag
Creates a bag containing the elements in the given array.
identityBagFrom(Iterable<? extends T>) - Static method in class jaggregate.IdentityBag
Creates a bag containing the elements given by an iterable object.
identityBagWith(T, T...) - Static method in class jaggregate.IdentityBag
Creates a bag containing the given elements.
IdentityDictionary<K,V> - Class in jaggregate
Represents an unordered collection whose elements can be accessed using an explicitly assigned external key.
IdentityDictionary() - Constructor for class jaggregate.IdentityDictionary
Creates an empty dictionary.
IdentityDictionary(AbstractDictionary<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Constructor for class jaggregate.IdentityDictionary
Creates a dictionary that contains the given associations.
IdentityDictionary(Pair<? extends K, ? extends V>...) - Constructor for class jaggregate.IdentityDictionary
Creates a dictionary that contains the given associations.
identityDictionaryFrom(AbstractDictionary<? extends T, ? extends U>) - Static method in class jaggregate.IdentityDictionary
Creates a dictionary that contains the given associations.
identityDictionaryFrom(Pair<? extends T, ? extends U>[]) - Static method in class jaggregate.IdentityDictionary
Creates a dictionary that contains the given associations.
identityDictionaryWith(Pair<? extends T, ? extends U>, Pair<? extends T, ? extends U>...) - Static method in class jaggregate.IdentityDictionary
Creates a dictionary that contains the given associations.
IdentitySet<E> - Class in jaggregate
A set for which equivalence is defined by ==.
IdentitySet() - Constructor for class jaggregate.IdentitySet
Creates an empty set.
IdentitySet(Collection<? extends E>) - Constructor for class jaggregate.IdentitySet
Creates a set containing the elements in the given collection.
IdentitySet(E...) - Constructor for class jaggregate.IdentitySet
Creates a set containing the elements in the given array.
IdentitySet(Iterable<? extends E>) - Constructor for class jaggregate.IdentitySet
Creates a set containing the elements in the given iterable object.
identitySetFrom(Collection<? extends T>) - Static method in class jaggregate.IdentitySet
Creates a set containing the elements in the given collection.
identitySetFrom(T[]) - Static method in class jaggregate.IdentitySet
Creates a set containing the elements in the given array.
identitySetFrom(Iterable<? extends T>) - Static method in class jaggregate.IdentitySet
Creates a set containing the elements given by an iterable object.
identitySetWith(T, T...) - Static method in class jaggregate.IdentitySet
Creates a set containing the given elements.
identityToString(Object) - Static method in class jaggregate.Objects
Answers the string representation for the target object, as Object's implementation would compute it, disregarding overrides.
includes(E) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractBag
Answers true if an element of this collection is equivalent to the given one; answers false otherwise.
includes(E) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractCollection
Answers true if an element of this collection is equivalent to the given one; answers false otherwise.
includes(Pair<K, V>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractDictionaryImpl
Answers true if an element of this collection is equivalent to the given one; answers false otherwise.
includes(E) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractSet
Answers true if an element of this collection is equivalent to the given one; answers false otherwise.
includes(E) - Method in interface jaggregate.Collection
Answers true if an element of this collection is equivalent to the given one; answers false otherwise.
includes(E) - Method in class jaggregate.Interval
Answers true if an element of this collection is equivalent to the given one; answers false otherwise.
includesKey(K) - Method in interface jaggregate.AbstractDictionary
Answers true if this dictionary contains an element stored at the given key, else answers false.
includesKey(K) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractDictionaryImpl
Answers true if this dictionary contains an element stored at the given key, else answers false.
indexOf(E) - Method in class jaggregate.Interval
Answers the index of the first element which is equivalent to the given target}.
indexOf(ReadOnlySequence<? extends E>, int) - Method in class jaggregate.Interval
Answers the index of the first element of this sequence which is the start of a subsequence which matches a given target sequence.
indexOf(E) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Answers the index of the first element which is equivalent to the given target}.
indexOf(ReadOnlySequence<? extends E>, int) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Answers the index of the first element of this sequence which is the start of a subsequence which matches a given target sequence.
indexOf(E) - Method in interface jaggregate.ReadOnlySequence
Answers the index of the first element which is equivalent to the given target}.
indexOf(ReadOnlySequence<? extends E>, int) - Method in interface jaggregate.ReadOnlySequence
Answers the index of the first element of this sequence which is the start of a subsequence which matches a given target sequence.
indexOf(E) - Method in class jaggregate.SortedCollection
Answers the index of the first element which is equivalent to the given target}.
indexOf(ReadOnlySequence<? extends E>, int) - Method in class jaggregate.SortedCollection
Answers the index of the first element of this sequence which is the start of a subsequence which matches a given target sequence.
indexOf(int) - Static method in class jaggregate.Strings
Answers a function which will give the first index of a given character value in a given string.
indexOf(String) - Static method in class jaggregate.Strings
Answers a function which will give the first index of a given substring in a given string.
inject(R, BinaryFunctor<? super R, ? super E, ? extends R>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractCollection
Answers the final result of evaluating the given operation using each element of this collection and the previous evaluation result as the parameters.
inject(R, BinaryFunctor<? super R, ? super E, ? extends R>) - Method in interface jaggregate.Collection
Answers the final result of evaluating the given operation using each element of this collection and the previous evaluation result as the parameters.
inject(Iterable<? extends E>, R, BinaryFunctor<? super R, ? super E, ? extends R>) - Static method in class jaggregate.Iterables
Answers the final result of evaluating the given operation using each element of the given iterable and the previous evaluation result as the parameters.
Interval<E extends Number> - Class in jaggregate
Represents a collection whose elements form an arithmetic progression.
Interval(E, E) - Constructor for class jaggregate.Interval
Creates an interval representing an arithmetic progression from one number to another, in increments of 1.
Interval(E, E, E) - Constructor for class jaggregate.Interval
Creates an interval representing an arithmetic progression from one number to another, with the given increment.
isA(Class<?>) - Static method in class jaggregate.Objects
Answers a predicate which will answer true if its argument is an instance of the given comparand class.
isEmpty() - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractCollection
Answers true iff this collection's size is zero; otherwise answers false.
isEmpty() - Method in interface jaggregate.Collection
Answers true iff this collection's size is zero; otherwise answers false.
isEmpty() - Method in class jaggregate.CollectionStream
Tells whether there are any sequence values in this stream.
isEmpty() - Method in interface jaggregate.Stream
Tells whether there are any sequence values in this stream.
isNextMatchFor(E) - Method in interface jaggregate.GettableStream
Reads the next object from this stream and tells whether the object is equivalent to the given target.
isNextMatchFor(E) - Method in class jaggregate.ReadStream
Reads the next object from this stream and tells whether the object is equivalent to the given target.
isPeekMatchFor(E) - Method in interface jaggregate.GettableStream
Peeks at the next object in this stream and tells whether it is equivalent to the given target.
isPeekMatchFor(E) - Method in class jaggregate.ReadStream
Peeks at the next object in this stream and tells whether it is equivalent to the given target.
isPrefixOf(String) - Static method in class jaggregate.Strings
Answers a predicate which will answer true if its argument is a prefix of the given target.
isSubstringOf(String) - Static method in class jaggregate.Strings
Answers a predicate which will answer true if the given string has the predicate's argument as a substring.
isSuffixOf(String) - Static method in class jaggregate.Strings
Answers a predicate which will answer true if its argument is a suffix of the given string.
isThrownBy(Class<?>) - Static method in class jaggregate.Throwables
Answers a predicate which will answer true if its argument is an exception which was raised from code in the given class.
Iterables - Class in jaggregate
Functions that offer Collection-like functionality for Iterables.


jaggregate - package jaggregate
Jaggregate is a J2SE 5.0-aware collections library that is modeled after the ANSI Smalltalk collection protocols.
jaggregate.junit.framework - package jaggregate.junit.framework
This package contains add-ons to the JUnit testing framework that work well with Jaggregate concepts.


key() - Method in class jaggregate.Pair
Gives the pair's key.
keyAt(V) - Method in interface jaggregate.AbstractDictionary
Answers a key such that the element associated with this key is equivalent to the given value.
keyAt(V) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractDictionaryImpl
Answers a key such that the element associated with this key is equivalent to the given value.
keys() - Method in interface jaggregate.AbstractDictionary
Answers a set of keys at which there is an element stored in this dictionary.
keys() - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractDictionaryImpl
Answers a set of keys at which there is an element stored in this dictionary.
keysAndValuesDo(BinaryFunctor<? super K, ? super V, ?>) - Method in interface jaggregate.AbstractDictionary
Iteratively evaluates the given operation with each of this dictionary's keys and values.
keysAndValuesDo(BinaryFunctor<? super K, ? super V, ?>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractDictionaryImpl
Iteratively evaluates the given operation with each of this dictionary's keys and values.
keysDo(UnaryFunctor<? super K, ? extends R>) - Method in interface jaggregate.AbstractDictionary
Iteratively evaluates the given operation with each of this dictionary's keys at which there are elements stored.
keysDo(UnaryFunctor<? super K, ? extends R>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractDictionaryImpl
Iteratively evaluates the given operation with each of this dictionary's keys at which there are elements stored.
KeyValuePair - Class in jaggregate
A simple string-to-string pair, created by parsing a string of the form "key=value".


last() - Method in class jaggregate.Interval
Answers the last element of this sequence, the element at the index equal to this sequence's size minus 1.
last() - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Answers the last element of this sequence, the element at the index equal to this sequence's size minus 1.
last() - Method in interface jaggregate.ReadOnlySequence
Answers the last element of this sequence, the element at the index equal to this sequence's size minus 1.
last() - Method in class jaggregate.SortedCollection
Answers the last element of this sequence, the element at the index equal to this sequence's size minus 1.
lastIndexOf(int) - Static method in class jaggregate.Strings
Answers a function which will give the last index of a given character value in a given string.
lastIndexOf(String) - Static method in class jaggregate.Strings
Answers a function which will give the last index of a given substring in a given string.
LENGTH - Static variable in class jaggregate.Strings
A function which gives the length of its argument.
lessThan(E) - Static method in class jaggregate.Comparables
Answers a predicate which will answer true if its argument compares "less than" the given comparand.
lessThanOrEqualTo(E) - Static method in class jaggregate.Comparables
Answers a predicate which will answer true if its argument compares "less than" or "equal to" the given comparand.


matches(A1, A2) - Method in interface jaggregate.BinaryCondition
Evaluates this predicate against the given targets.
matches(A) - Method in interface jaggregate.UnaryCondition
Evaluates this predicate against the given target.
matchesPattern(String) - Static method in class jaggregate.Strings
Answers a predicate which will answer true if any part of its argument matches the given regular expression pattern.
max() - Static method in class jaggregate.Comparables
Answers a function which will give the greater of its two arguments.
min() - Static method in class jaggregate.Comparables
Answers a function which will give the lesser of its two arguments.


NaturallySortedCollection<E extends Comparable<? super E>> - Class in jaggregate
Represents a variable-sized collection of objects whose elements are ordered based on the natural ordering of its elements, as defined by the interface Comparable.
NaturallySortedCollection() - Constructor for class jaggregate.NaturallySortedCollection
Creates an empty naturally sorted collection.
NaturallySortedCollection(Collection<? extends E>) - Constructor for class jaggregate.NaturallySortedCollection
Creates a naturally sorted collection containing the elements from the given collection.
NaturallySortedCollection(E...) - Constructor for class jaggregate.NaturallySortedCollection
Creates a naturally sorted collection containing the elements from the given array.
NaturallySortedCollection(Iterable<? extends E>) - Constructor for class jaggregate.NaturallySortedCollection
Creates a naturally sorted collection containing the elements from the given iterable.
naturallySortedCollectionFrom(Collection<? extends T>) - Static method in class jaggregate.NaturallySortedCollection
Creates a naturally sorted collection containing the elements from the given collection.
naturallySortedCollectionFrom(Iterable<? extends T>) - Static method in class jaggregate.NaturallySortedCollection
Creates a naturally sorted collection containing the elements from the given iterable.
naturallySortedCollectionWith(T...) - Static method in class jaggregate.NaturallySortedCollection
Creates a naturally sorted collection containing the elements from the given array.
next() - Method in interface jaggregate.GettableStream
Answers the next object in this stream.
next(int) - Method in interface jaggregate.GettableStream
Answers a collection of the next given number of objects in this stream.
next() - Method in class jaggregate.ReadStream
Answers the next object in this stream.
next(int) - Method in class jaggregate.ReadStream
Answers a collection of the next given number of objects in this stream.
nextPut(E) - Method in interface jaggregate.PuttableStream
Writes the given new element to this stream.
nextPut(E) - Method in class jaggregate.WriteStream
Writes the given new element to this stream.
nextPutAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in interface jaggregate.PuttableStream
Enumerates the given collection, adding each new element to this stream.
nextPutAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class jaggregate.WriteStream
Enumerates the given collection, adding each new element to this stream.
not() - Method in class jaggregate.BinaryPredicate
Answers a predicate that represents the logical inverse of this predicate; wherever this predicate's matches method would answer true, the inverse answers false; and vice versa.
not(BinaryPredicate<T, U>) - Static method in class jaggregate.BinaryPredicate
Answers a predicate that represents the logical inverse of the given predicate; wherever the given predicate's matches method would answer true, the inverse answers false; and vice versa.
not() - Method in class jaggregate.UnaryPredicate
Answers a predicate that represents the logical inverse of this predicate; wherever this predicate's matches method would answer true, the inverse answers false; and vice versa.
not(UnaryPredicate<T>) - Static method in class jaggregate.UnaryPredicate
Answers a predicate that represents the logical inverse of the given predicate; wherever the given predicate's matches method would answer true, the inverse answers false; and vice versa.
nullSafe(Comparator<T>) - Static method in class jaggregate.Comparing
Answers a comparator that defends against null actual arguments to its wrapped comparator's compare method.
nullSafeHashCode(Object) - Static method in class jaggregate.Objects
Answers a hash value for the given target object.


ObjectAssert - Class in jaggregate.junit.framework
Additional assertions for JUnit that apply to Java objects in general.
Objects - Class in jaggregate
Utility class that offers useful operations on objects in general.
occurrencesOf(E) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractBag
Answers the number of elements of this collection which are equivalent to the given target.
occurrencesOf(E) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractCollection
Answers the number of elements of this collection which are equivalent to the given target.
occurrencesOf(Pair<K, V>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractDictionaryImpl
Answers the number of elements of this collection which are equivalent to the given target.
occurrencesOf(E) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractSet
Answers the number of elements of this collection which are equivalent to the given target.
occurrencesOf(E) - Method in interface jaggregate.Collection
Answers the number of elements of this collection which are equivalent to the given target.
occurrencesOf(Iterable<? extends E>, E) - Static method in class jaggregate.Iterables
Answers the number of elements yielded by the given iterable which are equivalent to the given target.
or(BinaryPredicate<? super A1, ? super A2>) - Method in class jaggregate.BinaryPredicate
Answers a predicate that represents the logical disjunction of this predicate and another predicate.
or(UnaryPredicate<? super A>) - Method in class jaggregate.UnaryPredicate
Answers a predicate that represents the logical disjunction of this predicate and another predicate.
OrderedCollection<E> - Class in jaggregate
Represents an ordered, variable-sized collection of objects, where elements may be added, removed, or inserted, and can be accessed using external integer keys.
OrderedCollection() - Constructor for class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Creates an empty ordered collection.
OrderedCollection(Collection<? extends E>) - Constructor for class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Creates an ordered collection containing the elements in the given collection.
OrderedCollection(E...) - Constructor for class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Creates an ordered collection containing the elements in the given array.
OrderedCollection(Iterable<? extends E>) - Constructor for class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Creates an ordered collection containing the elements in the given iterable object.
OrderedCollection(int) - Constructor for class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Creates an empty ordered collection with the given initial capacity.
orderedCollectionFrom(Collection<? extends T>) - Static method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Creates an ordered collection containing the elements in the given collection.
orderedCollectionFrom(T[]) - Static method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Creates an ordered collection containing the elements in the given array.
orderedCollectionFrom(Iterable<? extends T>) - Static method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Creates an ordered collection containing the elements in the given iterable object.
orderedCollectionWith(T, T...) - Static method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Creates an ordered collection containing the given elements.


Pair<K,V> - Class in jaggregate
A simple 2-tuple, typically used to represent the key-value pairs of an AbstractDictionary.
Pair(K, V) - Constructor for class jaggregate.Pair
Creates a pair.
pair(T, U) - Static method in class jaggregate.Pair
Creates a new pair with the given key and value.
parse(String) - Static method in class jaggregate.KeyValuePair
Creates a string-to-string pair by parsing a string of the form "key=value".
patternMatches(CharSequence) - Static method in class jaggregate.Strings
Answers a predicate which will answer true if its regular expression pattern argument matches the given target.
peek() - Method in interface jaggregate.GettableStream
Answers the next object in this stream without advancing this stream's position.
peek() - Method in class jaggregate.ReadStream
Answers the next object in this stream without advancing this stream's position.
position() - Method in class jaggregate.CollectionStream
Answers the current position of this stream.
position(int) - Method in class jaggregate.CollectionStream
Sets the current position in this stream.
position() - Method in interface jaggregate.Stream
Answers the current position of this stream.
position(int) - Method in interface jaggregate.Stream
Sets the current position in this stream.
putAll(AbstractDictionary<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in interface jaggregate.AbstractDictionary
Stores the elements of the given dictionary in this dictionary at the corresponding key from the given dictionary.
putAll(AbstractDictionary<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractDictionaryImpl
Stores the elements of the given dictionary in this dictionary at the corresponding key from the given dictionary.
putAt(K, V) - Method in interface jaggregate.AbstractDictionary
Stores a new element at a given key in this dictionary.
putAt(K, V) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractDictionaryImpl
Stores a new element at a given key in this dictionary.
putAt(int, E) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Replaces the element in this sequence at a given index with a new element.
putAt(int, E) - Method in interface jaggregate.Sequence
Replaces the element in this sequence at a given index with a new element.
putAtAll(Collection<? extends Integer>, E) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Replaces the elements in this sequence specified by the given indices with a new element.
putAtAll(int[], E) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
putAtAll(Integer[], E) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
putAtAll(Iterable<? extends Integer>, E) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
putAtAll(E) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Replaces all the elements in this sequence with a new element.
putAtAll(Collection<? extends Integer>, E) - Method in interface jaggregate.Sequence
Replaces the elements in this sequence specified by the given indices with a new element.
putAtAll(int[], E) - Method in interface jaggregate.Sequence
putAtAll(Integer[], E) - Method in interface jaggregate.Sequence
putAtAll(Iterable<? extends Integer>, E) - Method in interface jaggregate.Sequence
putAtAll(E) - Method in interface jaggregate.Sequence
Replaces all the elements in this sequence with a new element.
PuttableStream<E> - Interface in jaggregate
Provides protocol for a stream that allows objects to be added to its past sequence values.


ReadOnlySequence<E> - Interface in jaggregate
Provides protocol for reading an ordered collection of objects whose elements can be accessed using external integer keys.
ReadStream<E> - Class in jaggregate
Represents a stream that has a positionable sequence of values that can be read.
ReadStream(ReadOnlySequence<E>) - Constructor for class jaggregate.ReadStream
Creates a new stream over the given backing sequence.
readStreamOver(ReadOnlySequence<T>) - Static method in class jaggregate.ReadStream
Creates a new stream over the given backing sequence.
rehash() - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractBag
Re-establishes any hash invariants of this collection.
rehash() - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractCollection
Re-establishes any hash invariants of this collection.
rehash() - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractDictionaryImpl
Re-establishes any hash invariants of this collection.
rehash() - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractSet
Re-establishes any hash invariants of this collection.
rehash() - Method in interface jaggregate.Collection
Re-establishes any hash invariants of this collection.
reject(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractBag
Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer false.

For each element of this collection, discriminator is evaluated with the element as the parameter. Each element which causes discriminator to answer false is included in the new collection.

The elements are traversed in the order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection. If both this collection and the result maintain an ordering of their elements, the elements of the result will be in the same relative order as the elements of this collection.

reject(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractCollection
Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer false.
reject(UnaryCondition<? super Pair<K, V>>) - Method in interface jaggregate.AbstractDictionary
Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer false.
reject(UnaryCondition<? super Pair<K, V>>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractDictionaryImpl
Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer false.

For each element of this collection, discriminator is evaluated with the element as the parameter. Each element which causes discriminator to answer false is included in the new collection.

The elements are traversed in the order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection. If both this collection and the result maintain an ordering of their elements, the elements of the result will be in the same relative order as the elements of this collection.

reject(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractExtensibleCollection
Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer false.

For each element of this collection, discriminator is evaluated with the element as the parameter. Each element which causes discriminator to answer false is included in the new collection.

The elements are traversed in the order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection. If both this collection and the result maintain an ordering of their elements, the elements of the result will be in the same relative order as the elements of this collection.

reject(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractSet
Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer false.

For each element of this collection, discriminator is evaluated with the element as the parameter. Each element which causes discriminator to answer false is included in the new collection.

The elements are traversed in the order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection. If both this collection and the result maintain an ordering of their elements, the elements of the result will be in the same relative order as the elements of this collection.

reject(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in class jaggregate.Bag
Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer false.

For each element of this collection, discriminator is evaluated with the element as the parameter. Each element which causes discriminator to answer false is included in the new collection.

The elements are traversed in the order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection. If both this collection and the result maintain an ordering of their elements, the elements of the result will be in the same relative order as the elements of this collection.

reject(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in interface jaggregate.Collection
Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer false.
reject(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in interface jaggregate.ContractibleSequence
Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer false.
reject(UnaryCondition<? super Pair<K, V>>) - Method in class jaggregate.Dictionary
Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer false.

For each element of this collection, discriminator is evaluated with the element as the parameter. Each element which causes discriminator to answer false is included in the new collection.

The elements are traversed in the order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection. If both this collection and the result maintain an ordering of their elements, the elements of the result will be in the same relative order as the elements of this collection.

reject(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in interface jaggregate.ExtensibleCollection
Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer false.
reject(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in class jaggregate.IdentityBag
Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer false.

For each element of this collection, discriminator is evaluated with the element as the parameter. Each element which causes discriminator to answer false is included in the new collection.

The elements are traversed in the order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection. If both this collection and the result maintain an ordering of their elements, the elements of the result will be in the same relative order as the elements of this collection.

reject(UnaryCondition<? super Pair<K, V>>) - Method in class jaggregate.IdentityDictionary
Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer false.

For each element of this collection, discriminator is evaluated with the element as the parameter. Each element which causes discriminator to answer false is included in the new collection.

The elements are traversed in the order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection. If both this collection and the result maintain an ordering of their elements, the elements of the result will be in the same relative order as the elements of this collection.

reject(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in class jaggregate.IdentitySet
Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer false.

For each element of this collection, discriminator is evaluated with the element as the parameter. Each element which causes discriminator to answer false is included in the new collection.

The elements are traversed in the order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection. If both this collection and the result maintain an ordering of their elements, the elements of the result will be in the same relative order as the elements of this collection.

reject(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in class jaggregate.Interval
Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer false.

For each element of this collection, discriminator is evaluated with the element as the parameter. Each element which causes discriminator to answer false is included in the new collection.

The elements are traversed in the order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection. If both this collection and the result maintain an ordering of their elements, the elements of the result will be in the same relative order as the elements of this collection.

reject(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer false.

For each element of this collection, discriminator is evaluated with the element as the parameter. Each element which causes discriminator to answer false is included in the new collection.

The elements are traversed in the order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection. If both this collection and the result maintain an ordering of their elements, the elements of the result will be in the same relative order as the elements of this collection.

reject(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in interface jaggregate.ReadOnlySequence
Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer false.
reject(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in interface jaggregate.Sequence
Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer false.
reject(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in class jaggregate.Set
Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer false.

For each element of this collection, discriminator is evaluated with the element as the parameter. Each element which causes discriminator to answer false is included in the new collection.

The elements are traversed in the order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection. If both this collection and the result maintain an ordering of their elements, the elements of the result will be in the same relative order as the elements of this collection.

reject(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in class jaggregate.SortedCollection
Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer false.

For each element of this collection, discriminator is evaluated with the element as the parameter. Each element which causes discriminator to answer false is included in the new collection.

The elements are traversed in the order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection. If both this collection and the result maintain an ordering of their elements, the elements of the result will be in the same relative order as the elements of this collection.

rejectValues(UnaryCondition<? super V>) - Method in interface jaggregate.AbstractDictionary
Answers a new dictionary which excludes the elements in this dictionary that cause the given discriminator to answer true.
rejectValues(UnaryCondition<? super V>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractDictionaryImpl
Answers a new dictionary which excludes the elements in this dictionary that cause the given discriminator to answer true.
rejectValues(UnaryCondition<? super V>) - Method in class jaggregate.Dictionary
Answers a new dictionary which excludes the elements in this dictionary that cause the given discriminator to answer true.

For each of this dictionary's keys, discriminator is evaluated with the corresponding element as the argument. If the element causes discriminator to answer false, the key is added to the answer with the element as its corresponding value.

rejectValues(UnaryCondition<? super V>) - Method in class jaggregate.IdentityDictionary
Answers a new dictionary which excludes the elements in this dictionary that cause the given discriminator to answer true.

For each of this dictionary's keys, discriminator is evaluated with the corresponding element as the argument. If the element causes discriminator to answer false, the key is added to the answer with the element as its corresponding value.

remove(E) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractBag
Removes the first element of this collection which is equivalent to the given element.
remove(Pair<K, V>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractDictionaryImpl
Removes the first element of this collection which is equivalent to the given element.
remove(E) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractSet
Removes the first element of this collection which is equivalent to the given element.
remove(E) - Method in interface jaggregate.ExtensibleCollection
Removes the first element of this collection which is equivalent to the given element.
remove(E) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Removes the first element of this collection which is equivalent to the given element.
remove(E) - Method in class jaggregate.SortedCollection
Removes the first element of this collection which is equivalent to the given element.
removeAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractExtensibleCollection
For each element in the given collection, removes the first element from this collection which is equivalent to this element.
removeAll(E[]) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractExtensibleCollection
removeAll(E, E...) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractExtensibleCollection
removeAll(Iterable<? extends E>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractExtensibleCollection
removeAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in interface jaggregate.ExtensibleCollection
For each element in the given collection, removes the first element from this collection which is equivalent to this element.
removeAll(E[]) - Method in interface jaggregate.ExtensibleCollection
removeAll(E, E...) - Method in interface jaggregate.ExtensibleCollection
removeAll(Iterable<? extends E>) - Method in interface jaggregate.ExtensibleCollection
removeAllKeys(Collection<? extends K>) - Method in interface jaggregate.AbstractDictionary
Removes any elements from this dictionary which are stored at any of the given keys.
removeAllKeys(K[]) - Method in interface jaggregate.AbstractDictionary
removeAllKeys(K, K...) - Method in interface jaggregate.AbstractDictionary
removeAllKeys(Iterable<? extends K>) - Method in interface jaggregate.AbstractDictionary
removeAllKeys(Collection<? extends K>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractDictionaryImpl
Removes any elements from this dictionary which are stored at any of the given keys.
removeAllKeys(K[]) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractDictionaryImpl
removeAllKeys(K, K...) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractDictionaryImpl
removeAllKeys(Iterable<? extends K>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractDictionaryImpl
removeAt(int) - Method in interface jaggregate.ContractibleSequence
Removes and answers the element at a given position in this sequence.
removeAt(int) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Removes and answers the element at a given position in this sequence.
removeAt(int) - Method in class jaggregate.SortedCollection
Removes and answers the element at a given position in this sequence.
removeFirst() - Method in interface jaggregate.ContractibleSequence
Removes and answers the first element of this sequence.
removeFirst() - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Removes and answers the first element of this sequence.
removeFirst() - Method in class jaggregate.SortedCollection
Removes and answers the first element of this sequence.
removeIf(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractExtensibleCollection
Removes each element of this collection which causes the given discriminator to answer true.
removeIf(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in interface jaggregate.ExtensibleCollection
Removes each element of this collection which causes the given discriminator to answer true.
removeIf(Iterable<? extends E>, UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Static method in class jaggregate.Iterables
Removes items from the given iterable which match the given predicate.
removeIf(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Removes each element of this collection which causes the given discriminator to answer true.

The elements are tested in the same order in which they would be enumerated by forEachDo for this collection.

removeIf(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in class jaggregate.SortedCollection
Removes each element of this collection which causes the given discriminator to answer true.

The elements are tested in the same order in which they would be enumerated by forEachDo for this collection.

removeIfKey(UnaryCondition<? super K>) - Method in interface jaggregate.AbstractDictionary
Removes each element of this dictionary whose key causes the given discriminator to answer true.
removeIfKey(UnaryCondition<? super K>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractDictionaryImpl
Removes each element of this dictionary whose key causes the given discriminator to answer true.
removeIfValue(UnaryCondition<? super V>) - Method in interface jaggregate.AbstractDictionary
Removes each element of this dictionary which causes the given discriminator to answer true.
removeIfValue(UnaryCondition<? super V>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractDictionaryImpl
Removes each element of this dictionary which causes the given discriminator to answer true.
removeKey(K) - Method in interface jaggregate.AbstractDictionary
Removes the element stored at the given key in this dictionary.
removeKey(K) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractDictionaryImpl
Removes the element stored at the given key in this dictionary.
removeLast() - Method in interface jaggregate.ContractibleSequence
Removes and answers the last element of this sequence.
removeLast() - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Removes and answers the last element of this sequence.
removeLast() - Method in class jaggregate.SortedCollection
Removes and answers the last element of this sequence.
replace(int, int, E) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Replaces the elements of this sequence between two positions, inclusive, with a given element.
replace(int, int, E) - Method in interface jaggregate.Sequence
Replaces the elements of this sequence between two positions, inclusive, with a given element.
replaceRange(int, int, ReadOnlySequence<? extends E>) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Replaces the elements of this sequence between two positions, inclusive, with a given replacement sequence in their original order.
replaceRange(int, int, ReadOnlySequence<? extends E>, int) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Replaces the elements of this sequence between two positions, inclusive, with a given replacement sequence, in their original order, starting at a given position in the replacement sequence.
replaceRange(int, int, ReadOnlySequence<? extends E>) - Method in interface jaggregate.Sequence
Replaces the elements of this sequence between two positions, inclusive, with a given replacement sequence in their original order.
replaceRange(int, int, ReadOnlySequence<? extends E>, int) - Method in interface jaggregate.Sequence
Replaces the elements of this sequence between two positions, inclusive, with a given replacement sequence, in their original order, starting at a given position in the replacement sequence.
reset() - Method in class jaggregate.CollectionStream
Sets the position of this stream to be at the beginning of the stream of values.
reset() - Method in interface jaggregate.Stream
Sets the position of this stream to be at the beginning of the stream of values.
retainAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractExtensibleCollection
Removes each element of this collection that is not contained in the given collection.
retainAll(E[]) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractExtensibleCollection
retainAll(E, E...) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractExtensibleCollection
retainAll(Iterable<? extends E>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractExtensibleCollection
retainAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in interface jaggregate.ExtensibleCollection
Removes each element of this collection that is not contained in the given collection.
retainAll(E[]) - Method in interface jaggregate.ExtensibleCollection
retainAll(E, E...) - Method in interface jaggregate.ExtensibleCollection
retainAll(Iterable<? extends E>) - Method in interface jaggregate.ExtensibleCollection
retainAll(Collection<? extends Pair<K, V>>) - Method in class jaggregate.IdentityDictionary
Removes each element of this collection that is not contained in the given collection.

Note that if the given collection is empty, this method has the effect of "clearing" this collection.

retainAllKeys(Collection<? extends K>) - Method in interface jaggregate.AbstractDictionary
Removes any elements from this dictionary which are not stored at any of the given keys.
retainAllKeys(K[]) - Method in interface jaggregate.AbstractDictionary
retainAllKeys(K, K...) - Method in interface jaggregate.AbstractDictionary
retainAllKeys(Iterable<? extends K>) - Method in interface jaggregate.AbstractDictionary
retainAllKeys(Collection<? extends K>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractDictionaryImpl
Removes any elements from this dictionary which are not stored at any of the given keys.
retainAllKeys(K[]) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractDictionaryImpl
retainAllKeys(K, K...) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractDictionaryImpl
retainAllKeys(Iterable<? extends K>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractDictionaryImpl
retainIf(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractExtensibleCollection
Removes each element of this collection which causes the given discriminator to answer false.
retainIf(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in interface jaggregate.ExtensibleCollection
Removes each element of this collection which causes the given discriminator to answer false.
retainIf(Iterable<? extends E>, UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Static method in class jaggregate.Iterables
Removes items from the given iterable which do not match the given predicate.
retainIf(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Removes each element of this collection which causes the given discriminator to answer false.

The elements are tested in the same order in which they would be enumerated by forEachDo for this collection.

retainIf(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in class jaggregate.SortedCollection
Removes each element of this collection which causes the given discriminator to answer false.

The elements are tested in the same order in which they would be enumerated by forEachDo for this collection.

retainIfKey(UnaryCondition<? super K>) - Method in interface jaggregate.AbstractDictionary
Removes each element of this dictionary whose key causes the given discriminator to answer false.
retainIfKey(UnaryCondition<? super K>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractDictionaryImpl
Removes each element of this dictionary whose key causes the given discriminator to answer false.
retainIfValue(UnaryCondition<? super V>) - Method in interface jaggregate.AbstractDictionary
Removes each element of this dictionary which causes the given discriminator to answer false.
retainIfValue(UnaryCondition<? super V>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractDictionaryImpl
Removes each element of this dictionary which causes the given discriminator to answer false.
reverse() - Method in class jaggregate.Interval
Answers a sequence with the elements of this sequence arranged in reverse order.
reverse() - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Answers a sequence with the elements of this sequence arranged in reverse order.
reverse() - Method in interface jaggregate.ReadOnlySequence
Answers a sequence with the elements of this sequence arranged in reverse order.
reverse() - Method in interface jaggregate.Sequence
Answers a sequence with the elements of this sequence arranged in reverse order.
reverse() - Method in class jaggregate.SortedCollection
Answers a sequence with the elements of this sequence arranged in reverse order.


sameAs(Object) - Static method in class jaggregate.Objects
Answers a predicate which will answer true if its argument refers to the same object as the given comparand.
select(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractBag
Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer true.

For each element of this collection, discriminator is evaluated with the element as the parameter. Each element which causes discriminator to answer true is included in the new collection.

The elements are traversed in order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection. If both this collection and the result maintain an ordering of their elements, the elements of the result will be in the same relative order as the elements of this collection.

select(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractCollection
Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer true.
select(UnaryCondition<? super Pair<K, V>>) - Method in interface jaggregate.AbstractDictionary
Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer true.
select(UnaryCondition<? super Pair<K, V>>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractDictionaryImpl
Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer true.

For each element of this collection, discriminator is evaluated with the element as the parameter. Each element which causes discriminator to answer true is included in the new collection.

The elements are traversed in order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection. If both this collection and the result maintain an ordering of their elements, the elements of the result will be in the same relative order as the elements of this collection.

select(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractExtensibleCollection
Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer true.

For each element of this collection, discriminator is evaluated with the element as the parameter. Each element which causes discriminator to answer true is included in the new collection.

The elements are traversed in order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection. If both this collection and the result maintain an ordering of their elements, the elements of the result will be in the same relative order as the elements of this collection.

select(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractSet
Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer true.

For each element of this collection, discriminator is evaluated with the element as the parameter. Each element which causes discriminator to answer true is included in the new collection.

The elements are traversed in order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection. If both this collection and the result maintain an ordering of their elements, the elements of the result will be in the same relative order as the elements of this collection.

select(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in class jaggregate.Bag
Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer true.

For each element of this collection, discriminator is evaluated with the element as the parameter. Each element which causes discriminator to answer true is included in the new collection.

The elements are traversed in order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection. If both this collection and the result maintain an ordering of their elements, the elements of the result will be in the same relative order as the elements of this collection.

select(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in interface jaggregate.Collection
Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer true.
select(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in interface jaggregate.ContractibleSequence
Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer true.
select(UnaryCondition<? super Pair<K, V>>) - Method in class jaggregate.Dictionary
Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer true.

For each element of this collection, discriminator is evaluated with the element as the parameter. Each element which causes discriminator to answer true is included in the new collection.

The elements are traversed in order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection. If both this collection and the result maintain an ordering of their elements, the elements of the result will be in the same relative order as the elements of this collection.

select(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in interface jaggregate.ExtensibleCollection
Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer true.
select(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in class jaggregate.IdentityBag
Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer true.

For each element of this collection, discriminator is evaluated with the element as the parameter. Each element which causes discriminator to answer true is included in the new collection.

The elements are traversed in order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection. If both this collection and the result maintain an ordering of their elements, the elements of the result will be in the same relative order as the elements of this collection.

select(UnaryCondition<? super Pair<K, V>>) - Method in class jaggregate.IdentityDictionary
Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer true.

For each element of this collection, discriminator is evaluated with the element as the parameter. Each element which causes discriminator to answer true is included in the new collection.

The elements are traversed in order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection. If both this collection and the result maintain an ordering of their elements, the elements of the result will be in the same relative order as the elements of this collection.

select(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in class jaggregate.IdentitySet
Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer true.

For each element of this collection, discriminator is evaluated with the element as the parameter. Each element which causes discriminator to answer true is included in the new collection.

The elements are traversed in order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection. If both this collection and the result maintain an ordering of their elements, the elements of the result will be in the same relative order as the elements of this collection.

select(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in class jaggregate.Interval
Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer true.

For each element of this collection, discriminator is evaluated with the element as the parameter. Each element which causes discriminator to answer true is included in the new collection.

The elements are traversed in order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection. If both this collection and the result maintain an ordering of their elements, the elements of the result will be in the same relative order as the elements of this collection.

select(Iterable<? extends E>, UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Static method in class jaggregate.Iterables
Wraps the given iterable with another iterable whose iterator will filter out items which do not match the given predicate.
select(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer true.

For each element of this collection, discriminator is evaluated with the element as the parameter. Each element which causes discriminator to answer true is included in the new collection.

The elements are traversed in order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection. If both this collection and the result maintain an ordering of their elements, the elements of the result will be in the same relative order as the elements of this collection.

select(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in interface jaggregate.ReadOnlySequence
Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer true.
select(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in interface jaggregate.Sequence
Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer true.
select(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in class jaggregate.Set
Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer true.

For each element of this collection, discriminator is evaluated with the element as the parameter. Each element which causes discriminator to answer true is included in the new collection.

The elements are traversed in order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection. If both this collection and the result maintain an ordering of their elements, the elements of the result will be in the same relative order as the elements of this collection.

select(UnaryCondition<? super E>) - Method in class jaggregate.SortedCollection
Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer true.

For each element of this collection, discriminator is evaluated with the element as the parameter. Each element which causes discriminator to answer true is included in the new collection.

The elements are traversed in order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection. If both this collection and the result maintain an ordering of their elements, the elements of the result will be in the same relative order as the elements of this collection.

selectValues(UnaryCondition<? super V>) - Method in interface jaggregate.AbstractDictionary
Answers a new dictionary which contains the elements in this dictionary whose keys cause the given discriminator to answer true.
selectValues(UnaryCondition<? super V>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractDictionaryImpl
Answers a new dictionary which contains the elements in this dictionary whose keys cause the given discriminator to answer true.
selectValues(UnaryCondition<? super V>) - Method in class jaggregate.Dictionary
Answers a new dictionary which contains the elements in this dictionary whose keys cause the given discriminator to answer true.

For each of this dictionary's keys, discriminator is evaluated with the corresponding element as the argument. If the element causes discriminator to answer true, the key is added to the answer with the element as its corresponding value.

selectValues(UnaryCondition<? super V>) - Method in class jaggregate.IdentityDictionary
Answers a new dictionary which contains the elements in this dictionary whose keys cause the given discriminator to answer true.

For each of this dictionary's keys, discriminator is evaluated with the corresponding element as the argument. If the element causes discriminator to answer true, the key is added to the answer with the element as its corresponding value.

Sequence<E> - Interface in jaggregate
Provides protocol for writing to an ordered collection of objects whose elements can be accessed using external integer keys.
Set<E> - Class in jaggregate
A set for which equivalence is defined by equals.
Set() - Constructor for class jaggregate.Set
Creates an empty set.
Set(Collection<? extends E>) - Constructor for class jaggregate.Set
Creates a set containing the elements in the given collection.
Set(E...) - Constructor for class jaggregate.Set
Creates a set containing the elements in the given array.
Set(Iterable<? extends E>) - Constructor for class jaggregate.Set
Creates a set containing the elements in the given iterable object.
setFrom(Collection<? extends T>) - Static method in class jaggregate.Set
Creates a set containing the elements in the given collection.
setFrom(T[]) - Static method in class jaggregate.Set
Creates a set containing the elements in the given array.
setFrom(Iterable<? extends T>) - Static method in class jaggregate.Set
Creates a set containing the elements given by an iterable object.
setToEnd() - Method in class jaggregate.CollectionStream
Sets the position of this stream to be at the end of the stream of values.
setToEnd() - Method in interface jaggregate.Stream
Sets the position of this stream to be at the end of the stream of values.
setWith(T, T...) - Static method in class jaggregate.Set
Creates a set containing the given elements.
size() - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractBag
Answers the number of elements in this collection.
size() - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractDictionaryImpl
Answers the number of elements in this collection.
size() - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractSet
Answers the number of elements in this collection.
size() - Method in interface jaggregate.Collection
Answers the number of elements in this collection.
size() - Method in class jaggregate.Interval
Answers the number of elements in this collection.
size() - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Answers the number of elements in this collection.
size() - Method in class jaggregate.SortedCollection
Answers the number of elements in this collection.
skip(int) - Method in interface jaggregate.GettableStream
Skips the next given number of objects in this stream's future sequence values.
skip(int) - Method in class jaggregate.ReadStream
Skips the next given number of objects in this stream's future sequence values.
skipTo(E) - Method in interface jaggregate.GettableStream
Sets this stream to read the object just after the next occurrence of the given target and answers true.
skipTo(E) - Method in class jaggregate.ReadStream
Sets this stream to read the object just after the next occurrence of the given target and answers true.
SortedCollection<E> - Class in jaggregate
Represents a variable-sized collection of objects whose elements are ordered based on a sort order.
SortedCollection(Comparator<? super E>) - Constructor for class jaggregate.SortedCollection
Creates an empty sorted collection whose elements are sorted using the given comparator.
SortedCollection(Comparator<? super E>, Collection<? extends E>) - Constructor for class jaggregate.SortedCollection
Creates a sorted collection whose elements are sorted using the given comparator, and containing the elements of the given collection.
SortedCollection(Comparator<? super E>, E...) - Constructor for class jaggregate.SortedCollection
Creates a sorted collection whose elements are sorted using the given comparator, and containing the elements of the given array.
SortedCollection(Comparator<? super E>, Iterable<? extends E>) - Constructor for class jaggregate.SortedCollection
Creates a sorted collection whose elements are sorted using the given comparator, and containing the elements of the given iterable.
sortedCollectionFrom(Comparator<? super T>, Collection<? extends T>) - Static method in class jaggregate.SortedCollection
Creates a sorted collection whose elements are sorted using the given comparator, and containing the elements of the given collection.
sortedCollectionFrom(Comparator<? super T>, Iterable<? extends T>) - Static method in class jaggregate.SortedCollection
Creates a sorted collection whose elements are sorted using the given comparator, and containing the elements of the given iterable.
sortedCollectionWith(Comparator<? super T>, T...) - Static method in class jaggregate.SortedCollection
Creates a sorted collection whose elements are sorted using the given comparator, and containing the elements of the given array.
startsWith(String) - Static method in class jaggregate.Strings
Answers a predicate which will answer true if its argument starts with the given prefix.
Stream<E,S extends ReadOnlySequence<E>> - Interface in jaggregate
Provides protocol for a stream consisting of a finite number of past and future sequence values.
Strings - Class in jaggregate
Utility class that offers common operations on strings.
substring(int) - Static method in class jaggregate.Strings
Answers a function which will give the substring of a given string beginning at the given index.


Throwables - Class in jaggregate
Utility class that offers useful operations on exceptions.
toArray() - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractCollection
Answers an array with the same elements as this collection, with the same size as this collection, and a component class of Object.
toArray(Class<? super E>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractCollection
Answers an array with the same elements as this collection, with the same size as this collection, and a component type of the given class.
toArray() - Method in interface jaggregate.Collection
Answers an array with the same elements as this collection, with the same size as this collection, and a component class of Object.
toArray(Class<? super E>) - Method in interface jaggregate.Collection
Answers an array with the same elements as this collection, with the same size as this collection, and a component type of the given class.
toArray(Collection<E>, Class<T>) - Static method in class jaggregate.Collections
Answers an array with the same elements as the given collection, with the same size as the collection, and a component type of the given class.
toArray(Class<? super E>) - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Answers an array with the same elements as this collection, with the same size as this collection, and a component type of the given class. This means that only elements of the given class or any of its derivatives may be inserted into the result.

Note that even though the given class will be the runtime component class of the result array, the return type of this method is Object[]. With Java generics, it is not possible to express the return type as an array of the component class without sacrificing the flexibility of providing a componentClass that is a supertype of the generic parameter's actual argument. Therefore, the caller should downcast to the desired type, or risk raising ArrayStoreException when inserting via a reference of type Object[].

If this collection maintains an ordering for its elements, the order of those elements will be preserved in the result.

toBag() - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractCollection
Answers a bag with the same elements as this collection.
toBag() - Method in class jaggregate.Bag
Answers a bag with the same elements as this collection.

Answers self.

toBag() - Method in interface jaggregate.Collection
Answers a bag with the same elements as this collection.
toDictionary(Collection<E>, UnaryFunctor<? super E, ? extends V>) - Static method in class jaggregate.Collections
Answers a dictionary whose keys are the elements of the given collection and whose values are the results of applying the given mapper to the associated element from the collection.
toIdentityBag() - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractCollection
Answers an identity bag with the same elements as this collection.
toIdentityBag() - Method in interface jaggregate.Collection
Answers an identity bag with the same elements as this collection.
toIdentityBag() - Method in class jaggregate.IdentityBag
Answers an identity bag with the same elements as this collection.

Answers self.

toIdentityDictionary(Collection<E>, UnaryFunctor<? super E, ? extends V>) - Static method in class jaggregate.Collections
Answers a dictionary whose keys are the elements of the given collection and whose values are the results of applying the given mapper to the associated element from the collection.
toIdentitySet() - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractCollection
Answers an identity set with the same elements as this collection.
toIdentitySet() - Method in interface jaggregate.Collection
Answers an identity set with the same elements as this collection.
toIdentitySet() - Method in class jaggregate.IdentitySet
Answers an identity set with the same elements as this collection. Since sets do not store duplicate elements, the result may have fewer elements than this collection.

Answers self.

toOrderedCollection() - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractCollection
Answers an ordered collection with the same elements as this collection.
toOrderedCollection() - Method in interface jaggregate.Collection
Answers an ordered collection with the same elements as this collection.
toOrderedCollection() - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
Answers an ordered collection with the same elements as this collection. The result has the same size as this collection.

If this collection maintains an ordering for its elements, the order of those elements will be preserved in the result.

Answers self.

toSet() - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractCollection
Answers a set with the same elements as this collection.
toSet() - Method in interface jaggregate.Collection
Answers a set with the same elements as this collection.
toSet() - Method in class jaggregate.Set
Answers a set with the same elements as this collection. Since sets do not store duplicate elements, the result may have fewer elements than this collection.

Answers self.

toSortedCollection() - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractCollection
Answers a sorted collection with the same elements as this collection.
toSortedCollection(Comparator<? super E>) - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractCollection
Answers a sorted collection with the same elements as this collection, using the given comparator to order the elements.
toSortedCollection() - Method in interface jaggregate.Collection
Answers a sorted collection with the same elements as this collection.
toSortedCollection(Comparator<? super E>) - Method in interface jaggregate.Collection
Answers a sorted collection with the same elements as this collection, using the given comparator to order the elements.
toSortedCollection() - Method in class jaggregate.SortedCollection
Answers a sorted collection with the same elements as this collection. If this collection has established an ordering on its elements, then that ordering is used in the answer. Otherwise, order of the elements is arbitrary--in such a case, one should probably use the overload of this method that accepts a comparator.

Answers self.

toString() - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractBag
toString() - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractDictionaryImpl
toString() - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractSet
toString() - Method in class jaggregate.Interval
toString() - Method in class jaggregate.OrderedCollection
toString() - Method in class jaggregate.Pair
toString() - Method in class jaggregate.SortedCollection


UnaryCondition<A> - Interface in jaggregate
Interface for a predicate that accepts one argument.
UnaryFunction<A,R> - Class in jaggregate
A functor that accepts one argument.
UnaryFunctor<A,R> - Interface in jaggregate
Interface for a functor that accepts one argument.
UnaryPredicate<A> - Class in jaggregate
A predicate that accepts one argument.
upTo(E) - Method in interface jaggregate.GettableStream
Answers a collection of all of the objects in this stream up to, but not including, the next occurrence of the given target.
upTo(E) - Method in class jaggregate.ReadStream
Answers a collection of all of the objects in this stream up to, but not including, the next occurrence of the given target.


value() - Method in class jaggregate.Pair
Gives the pair's value.
values() - Method in interface jaggregate.AbstractDictionary
Answers a collection of this dictionary's elements.
values() - Method in class jaggregate.AbstractDictionaryImpl
Answers a collection of this dictionary's elements.


WriteStream<E> - Class in jaggregate
Represents a stream that has a positionable sequence of values to which new values may be written.
WriteStream(Sequence<E>) - Constructor for class jaggregate.WriteStream
Creates a new stream over the given backing sequence.
writeStreamOver(Sequence<T>) - Static method in class jaggregate.WriteStream
Creates a new stream over the given backing sequence.


xor(BinaryPredicate<? super A1, ? super A2>) - Method in class jaggregate.BinaryPredicate
Answers a predicate that represents the logical exclusive disjunction of this predicate and another predicate.
xor(UnaryPredicate<? super A>) - Method in class jaggregate.UnaryPredicate
Answers a predicate that represents the logical exclusive disjunction of this predicate and another predicate.


© Copyright 2004-2008 Paul R. Holser, Jr. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0. pholser@alumni.rice.edu