Uses of Class

Packages that use Pair
jaggregate Jaggregate is a J2SE 5.0-aware collections library that is modeled after the ANSI Smalltalk collection protocols. 

Uses of Pair in jaggregate

Subclasses of Pair in jaggregate
 class KeyValuePair
          A simple string-to-string pair, created by parsing a string of the form "key=value".

Methods in jaggregate that return Pair
<T,U> Pair<T,U>
Pair.pair(T key, U value)
          Creates a new pair with the given key and value.

Methods in jaggregate with parameters of type Pair
 void AbstractDictionaryImpl.add(Pair<K,V> newElement)
          Adds a new element to this collection.
<T,U> Dictionary<T,U>
Dictionary.dictionaryFrom(Pair<? extends T,? extends U>[] associations)
          Creates a dictionary that contains the given associations.
<T,U> Dictionary<T,U>
Dictionary.dictionaryWith(Pair<? extends T,? extends U> firstAssociation, Pair<? extends T,? extends U>... restOfAssociations)
          Creates a dictionary that contains the given associations.
<T,U> Dictionary<T,U>
Dictionary.dictionaryWith(Pair<? extends T,? extends U> firstAssociation, Pair<? extends T,? extends U>... restOfAssociations)
          Creates a dictionary that contains the given associations.
<T,U> IdentityDictionary<T,U>
IdentityDictionary.identityDictionaryFrom(Pair<? extends T,? extends U>[] associations)
          Creates a dictionary that contains the given associations.
<T,U> IdentityDictionary<T,U>
IdentityDictionary.identityDictionaryWith(Pair<? extends T,? extends U> firstAssociation, Pair<? extends T,? extends U>... restOfAssociations)
          Creates a dictionary that contains the given associations.
<T,U> IdentityDictionary<T,U>
IdentityDictionary.identityDictionaryWith(Pair<? extends T,? extends U> firstAssociation, Pair<? extends T,? extends U>... restOfAssociations)
          Creates a dictionary that contains the given associations.
 boolean AbstractDictionaryImpl.includes(Pair<K,V> target)
          Answers true if an element of this collection is equivalent to the given one; answers false otherwise.
 int AbstractDictionaryImpl.occurrencesOf(Pair<K,V> target)
          Answers the number of elements of this collection which are equivalent to the given target.
 boolean AbstractDictionaryImpl.remove(Pair<K,V> oldElement)
          Removes the first element of this collection which is equivalent to the given element.

Method parameters in jaggregate with type arguments of type Pair
<R> IdentityBag<R>
IdentityDictionary.collect(UnaryFunctor<? super Pair<K,V>,? extends R> transformer)
          Evaluates the given transformer for each element of this collection, with the element as the parameter, and answers a new collection containing the results of these evaluations.

The elements are traversed in the order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection.

<R> Bag<R>
Dictionary.collect(UnaryFunctor<? super Pair<K,V>,? extends R> transformer)
          Evaluates the given transformer for each element of this collection, with the element as the parameter, and answers a new collection containing the results of these evaluations.

The elements are traversed in the order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection.

<R> AbstractBag<R>
AbstractDictionaryImpl.collect(UnaryFunctor<? super Pair<K,V>,? extends R> transformer)
          Evaluates the given transformer for each element of this collection, with the element as the parameter, and answers a new collection containing the results of these evaluations.

The elements are traversed in the order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection.

<R> AbstractBag<R>
AbstractDictionary.collect(UnaryFunctor<? super Pair<K,V>,? extends R> transformer)
          Evaluates the given transformer for each element of this collection, with the element as the parameter, and answers a new collection containing the results of these evaluations.
 void AbstractDictionaryImpl.forEachDo(UnaryFunctor<? super Pair<K,V>,?> operation)
          For each element of this collection, evaluates the given operation with the element as the parameter.
 IdentityDictionary<K,V> IdentityDictionary.reject(UnaryCondition<? super Pair<K,V>> discriminator)
          Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer false.

For each element of this collection, discriminator is evaluated with the element as the parameter. Each element which causes discriminator to answer false is included in the new collection.

The elements are traversed in the order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection. If both this collection and the result maintain an ordering of their elements, the elements of the result will be in the same relative order as the elements of this collection.

 Dictionary<K,V> Dictionary.reject(UnaryCondition<? super Pair<K,V>> discriminator)
          Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer false.

For each element of this collection, discriminator is evaluated with the element as the parameter. Each element which causes discriminator to answer false is included in the new collection.

The elements are traversed in the order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection. If both this collection and the result maintain an ordering of their elements, the elements of the result will be in the same relative order as the elements of this collection.

 AbstractDictionary<K,V> AbstractDictionaryImpl.reject(UnaryCondition<? super Pair<K,V>> discriminator)
          Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer false.

For each element of this collection, discriminator is evaluated with the element as the parameter. Each element which causes discriminator to answer false is included in the new collection.

The elements are traversed in the order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection. If both this collection and the result maintain an ordering of their elements, the elements of the result will be in the same relative order as the elements of this collection.

 AbstractDictionary<K,V> AbstractDictionary.reject(UnaryCondition<? super Pair<K,V>> discriminator)
          Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer false.
 boolean IdentityDictionary.retainAll(Collection<? extends Pair<K,V>> keepers)
          Removes each element of this collection that is not contained in the given collection.

Note that if the given collection is empty, this method has the effect of "clearing" this collection.

 IdentityDictionary<K,V><? super Pair<K,V>> discriminator)
          Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer true.

For each element of this collection, discriminator is evaluated with the element as the parameter. Each element which causes discriminator to answer true is included in the new collection.

The elements are traversed in order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection. If both this collection and the result maintain an ordering of their elements, the elements of the result will be in the same relative order as the elements of this collection.

 Dictionary<K,V><? super Pair<K,V>> discriminator)
          Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer true.

For each element of this collection, discriminator is evaluated with the element as the parameter. Each element which causes discriminator to answer true is included in the new collection.

The elements are traversed in order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection. If both this collection and the result maintain an ordering of their elements, the elements of the result will be in the same relative order as the elements of this collection.

 AbstractDictionary<K,V><? super Pair<K,V>> discriminator)
          Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer true.

For each element of this collection, discriminator is evaluated with the element as the parameter. Each element which causes discriminator to answer true is included in the new collection.

The elements are traversed in order specified by forEachDo for this collection.

Unless specifically refined, this message is defined to answer an object conforming to the same protocol as this collection. If both this collection and the result maintain an ordering of their elements, the elements of the result will be in the same relative order as the elements of this collection.

 AbstractDictionary<K,V><? super Pair<K,V>> discriminator)
          Answers a new collection which contains only the elements in this collection which cause the given discriminator to answer true.

Constructors in jaggregate with parameters of type Pair
Dictionary(Pair<? extends K,? extends V>... associations)
          Creates a dictionary that contains the given associations.
IdentityDictionary(Pair<? extends K,? extends V>... associations)
          Creates a dictionary that contains the given associations.

© Copyright 2004-2008 Paul R. Holser, Jr. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0.